Add your company to the Hockey Hat Trick Map & Directory
Following below is an example of the business directory map for Hockey Hat Trick. This a is a free map and directory listing being offered to hockey companies and individuals doing business with hockey people. (There also is managed service offering available.)
The directory will have categories listed on the left to easily search. The website will utilize Google translate which provides each company the ability to have people from all over the world learn about their products and services. Google Technology Map Design ExamplesThis website is an example of google translate on a business directory website that is utlizing google maps and google translate.
In the Hockey Hat Trick map listing we included all the social media we created for the company - Facebook, Twitter, Google+. Intagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, and flikr. In the google map below click on the Hat Trick logo and in one location listed is the website, address, phone number, email, website url, and the social media urls.